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Steven Onoja

Steven Onoja
If you follow me on social media, it’s obvious that I travel quite a lot. By “a lot,” I mean almost always. With the amount of time I spend in airports and airplanes, it is imperative my wardrobe can adapt to the ebb and flow of my travel schedule.
Steven Onoja
Summer is a time filled with sun, the great outdoor and memories. For young adults, we may fill our days with work and have only a few weekends to get in our planned activities. Maybe you want to read a certain book this summer, Today we decided to hang out in Harlem and spend time with my friends. Hugo is on point there really is no excuse to be depriving my wardrobe of such gems. We of course discussed all things fashion and tailoring amongst finding your place in world.
Steven Onoja
Steven Onoja
One thing I really appreciate about Hugo is approach to details. Hugo Is its approach to details is fairly easy and kept extremely natural. In American culture, Men tend to focus on details. There are not many things in life that you can’t go wrong with and a classic suit is one of them. You can’t go wrong with a classic suit by Hugo. Just when you think this iconic brand couldn’t keep pumping out that fire. They give you some more heat! If you’re looking for a suit with classic details and the right amount of edge, look no further than Hugo shirt. They’ll become your new favorite. Trust me.
Steven Onoja
Steven Onoja
I just want to thank Hugo for including me in this campaign with my friends and to you, my readers, for supporting me and getting me this far! Stay blessed and inspired.
Steven Onoja
Location: Harlem, NY.
Shot by: Naska Demini.

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